Well this week has been busy for supposedly having it off from work. We did get Marc's bike painted, built, and ridden. He likes it lots! He says it tracks strait and true, and accelerates like a rocket. You mash the pedals, and it shoots off like crazy. (that part I can attest to, as I took it for a quick spin) I love it when a design works out like you wanted.
Well almost, I will be honest and say there was a calculatory mishap in the chain stay length. It ended up a bit closer than my numbers said it was going to. Everything still works, but the semi-horizontal dropouts end up putting the rear wheel into the front derailleur clamp before it drops out. So once it's in, everything's dandy. But you have to squish it a bit to get it in or out. Major lesson learned on that one. But will be corrected next time, and as far as either of us can tell, that's the only issue.
I also got all the tubes and such ordered for Hoffmeyer's frame, so that should start happening next week sometime. It will be another fillet brazed road bike. Nothing too extraordinary, just made to fit a guy with a crazy long torso.

Nice work mang! Minister and I are going to put that thing to the test on Saturday A.M., check the Team Seagal blog soon for a full review.
Thanks! I may end up joining you guys for part of the ride. I could sure use the miles.
sweet, sweet job! congrats. and i even like the paint, too.
Thanks man! I can't take credit for the paint scheme. That was Marc's idea, but I think it turned out pretty awesome.
Dammit! Now I have to go clean drool off my keyboard!
Road ride on thursday? I'm off...
How long of a ride are you thinking? I just got back from backpacking, and I'm pretty sore. But I could definitely still be up for a ride. Give me a call.
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