Burning at the Bluff was pretty awesome. My team ended up 9th in our class, and 36th overall. This, despite about 7 cold ass creek crossings per lap, and two guys dropping out before their third lap. (if you want a more thorough
race report, I refer you to Team Seagal) But the point was to do my three laps, have a good time, and to get excited about getting back into racing. If you know me, or read this blog, you may know this past year has had some setbacks. Breaking
my collar bone,
surgery, bronchitis/nasal infection, getting married, and
going to Germany, are some of the things that broke my momentum and my motivation to train hard for something. But after finally getting back into it (even if I wasn't super fast), I'm totally excited again. And Greg, I owe you one hell of a PBR for spanking my lap times!
Aside from that, I've got the chainstays mated to their respective sliding dropouts at just the right angle for 650b tire clearance. Now a couple miters, some braze-ons, and the main frame will be ready for assembly.

You didn't already pay me back? I swore I remember drinking some PBR after the race. Oh well... I'll drink more.
I'm pretty sure you had a lot of PBR after the race. Just none of it came from me.
Chris, you might want to re-think this whole bike-building business since this new product is sure to be the downfall of the bicycle as we know it: http://www.footbikeusa.com/
What are you using to "clean" up the brass after brazing? Hand files only? Any power tools?
Rockhound: I use hand files pretty exclusively, followed by emery cloth. Only time is if I mess up and get a HUGE glob somewhere. Then I'll take a dremel to it until it gets close. Then back to the hand files. I've heard of a small hand held belt sander being great for smoothing out fillets, but haven't gone that route. Seems easy to slip and go through half the tube wall.
If you're talking about the dropouts on this post, I used 50n silver because the dropouts are stainless. And aside from the area around the slots, I just sanded it clean. No filing needed.
Casey: I still don't know what to say about those things...
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