Got some time and internet to report from VA, after going to DC today. I (along with 2-5 million others) helped cheer in the 44th president, and say a dieu to the Bush family. For the insanity of the whole deal, I thought things actually went pretty well. There were the obvious crowd issues, but everyone I witnessed was in a good mood. People were helpful and polite. It was pretty amazing to see a crowd working together like that. A metro ride that took 3 times the normal amount of time actually got the whole car joking and telling stories.
The standing around in twenty something degrees all day, with not enough room to sit down didn't go all that bad either. The sun was out, and the group had a nice
wind breaking effect. Jumbo-trons were spaced out well enough that most could watch the goings on, and I don't think I've ever witnessed so many port-a-potty's. I didn't bring my camera cord, so I won't get pictures up until I get back home.
Take it easy
Post Edit:
(Walking from the Metro through DC to the mall.
(Sea of heads and one of the many walls of port-a-johns from our view point. Trust me, this does it no justice for how many people, or port-a-johns there were that day!)
(Me and the lady)
(Celebrating afterwards at Dogfish Head with a sampler of their fine brews. I believe my favorite was the award winning 90 minute IPA)
(And topping it off with one mother of an IPA, their limited edition 120 minute IPA, with 20% abv and 450 calories. No Millers lite here!)
Dogfish Head Brews some killer(BIG) beers! Did you get to try their Raison Deatre'...Im not sure about the spelling, but also a tasty one. We should ride over to Corral Liquors(granite city Ill.) sometime and stock up on Delaware's finest!
Yes sir, I tried (and liked) that one as well.
Hmmm... I think a custom trailer will have to be in the works.
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