The x-rays looked good except one chunk of the bone that was misplaced is still misplaced. Doc said when they tried to move it back to place, it had fused to the artery that supplies my left arm. It ripped open, so they had to get a vein guy to repair it. Ended up just leaving it where it was. But the rest of is is lined up, touching each other, so it should be good when it heals. I got out of the sling, and have some exercises to do 3 times a day.
I also went from Percocet to IBprophen, and now only take it when it starts getting sore and achy. The sterry strips came off, and looks like it is healing up pretty nice:

The only thing that's weird, is I've got an area of numb skin. Feeling it out, and putting some dots, I connected them to trace out where I can only feel pressure. No touch, no cold, no hot.

Probably not a big deal, even if it never does fix itself. I don't know if they even could fix something like that. But I figure if it never does get better, maybe that will be a free spot for a new tattoo.
Well take it easy, and enjoy this awesome weather we're having.
Chris -- glad the healing process is moving along. I had four inches of staples after wrist surgery about eight years ago, still looks like football laces there. When can you get back on the bike?
Lookin' good, Bro-ham! That's one crunchy scar, it's gonna rock when you tell your great-grandkids that you got the scar from the first war with the Machines.
Hey Jeff, how are ya man? Thanks for writing. I'm probably not supposed to ride until the bone fuses (no load bearing yet). But I figure I'll start riding to work a little this next week. I'll go on my mountain bike for the uprightness, and just put my weight on my good arm.
Ha ha! Thanks. That's way better than the story I was trying to think of.
That spot is crying for a tattoo of a pirate ship. But you prefer ninjas, so maybe a shuriken instead.
Anywho, hope it starts to heal fast.
No way... that's Justin who's more the ninja! I'm way into shaving less and drinking more rum.
I'll have to think about that ship....
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