I'm still working out the final details of Matt's big tire'd commuter/cross frame and fork. I've got all the shiny bits here already, and should be pretty awesome. More on that soon. I've also been trying to look up what all I have to go through to get a business license, insurance, and maybe even hook up a dealership status for some components to offer complete bikes when the time comes.
I've also had a winter project that is just about done. I've been trying to wrap that up, so it doesn't distract me from frame building once I start filing. It's a 200cc motorcycle kit from Kikker 5150. I've wanted a motorcycle since I was a kid. And now that I'm getting old and married, I figure I better get one before life gets any crazier, or I have to be a responsible dad or something. I figured I'd give this one a try, hoping the building would teach me a thing or two about motorcycles, plus they're pretty affordable.
All in all, I've definitely learned a bunch trying to work out all the kinks and problems. I figure it's about on the moto level of a mid to upper priced wallymart bike. However, if you strip them down, and re-build them from the ground up, doing every step correctly (not how local high-school Joe built it), and even replaced a few parts (that won't even work right no matter how much "tuning" you give them), you won't end up with a great bike. But if you do the work yourself, it will still be affordable, and it will be good enough to get you around for a while. I'll just have to keep in mind that the riding experience will most likely be better with a "real" motorcycle.
I've already sorted out all the mechanical issues keeping me from giving her a first ride, but a major electrical issue is keeping me from getting any spark. I was really hoping that the electrical would go together smoothly, because that's one thing I really don't know enough about. But hopefully I'll sort it out soon. And either way, the next frame will be coming together shortly.

Oh Snap!
I have been following your blog for a while. I am going to start practicing fillets and any hints would be appreciated. I saw on your latest post that you are looking into insurance. Contact me off blog if you want my insight on that. Keep up the good work and post more progress photos if you can to help me along my way. Take care, Wil
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