Well, that was until some weather started rolling our way, and not only kept us off of what would have been a muddy tail, but the lightening kept us off our bikes all together. But the day of the mission was still good weather, so I took the lady for a day hike to get her good and worn out, in order to make necessary the massage later that evening. While we were hiking, the Inn called to let me know that the hot tub had broken, and wouldn't be fixed by the time we arrived. That being the plan of attack, I needed another location quick. Luckily, I had programmed every eatery in the town of Hermann into my cell phone, and went down the list until I had reservations at a quite fancy European cuisine restaurant. Things were still shaping up for a good trip.
Upon arrival to the Inn, we were informed that we were switched rooms in order to accommodate a handicapped individual that would have had a easier time in the room we reserved. Luckily, this room did have a working hot tub, and with some last minute correspondence, the masseuse was re-directed. The massage was great, and everything was shaping up for a fancy engagement dinner. When we found the "Europa Restaurant" that I had reservations for, here's what we saw:

And while I didn't manage to get pictures of the inside, it only got worse. The warm stuffy air and dead silence, interrupted by a creaky carpeted floor and a portable fan by our table in the living room gave one the feeling of someone else's grand parents' house. We were one of two couples that ate that night in an awkward whispering silence, being served by a scruffy young man terrified of eye-contact. Not so suddenly, the idea of the waiter bringing out the ring with the dessert didn't sound as romantic. So after a tasty meal that was serenaded by the waiter randomly walking over to a piano, playing something he had come up with, and leaving without a word, we made our way back to the Inn.

After a nice soak in our own hot tub to wash away the weird vibe, we sat in front of a fireplace in bathrobes. And while this was now about the fifth time the original plan had been revised, that was where the proposal took place. I am now happy to announce that Melissae Diane Stuart and I are to be married. (whenever we get to working out all the plans for that day)

Yay! Congratulations you two! This is great news. (Marc actually told me about it last night.)
Congrats to the both of you. It never goes as planned. I had the whole evening planned and then Katie became very ill, so I had to get take-out and I slipped the ring on the chopsticks! We should go for a FB bike ride soon.
Thanks Lauren! I'm sure we'll be in contact. Might have to ask you guys on some of your tips!
Matt I feel you man. But that's still a cool way to think on your feet. And yea, we definitely need to ride. I'm off thursdays and fridays. Thanks for the congrats, and I've got to see that bike built up.
You did it! Old Girl and I are quite happy for the pair of you. The BB shell on my green mountaining bike is also very pleased with you, thanks again for chasin' me threads. Yar, you deserve a round of applause!
Thank you sir! I appreciate your applause!
Congrats! I don't think any of us were concerned over the final outcome, but you sure had to negotiate quite a few redirections to get you there. Nice thinking on the feet.
Does Melissae realize she is on the way to becoming Mrs. Shop Gnome? Or is she not taking your name?
Great News - congratulations! A huge step forward in life, for sure! I on the other hand, am still trying to figure out to operate my phone. As in land-line.
I like the idea of Mr. and Mrs. Gnome...
Anyay don't listen to me - glad to hear it went well in the end.
Thanks guys! And yes, she's taking my name. But we were thinking more of the "Fellet" version of it.
(I don't think she'd be too keen on the Mrs. Shop Nome idea)
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